Ayyam-i-Ha parties are especially fun to plan as they can take on special meaning. You can make an effort to share the spirit of the Baha’i Faith, incorporate a lesson on a virtue, offer activities for the children to create gifts for others, or include an element of service into the party.
Here are some ideas.
- Decorate a nine-pointed star cookie (cookie cutters can be bought from Special Ideas here)
- Create a card for grandparents
- Face painting with inspiration from quotations – “brilliant star,” “rose of love,” “leaves of one tree”
- Make paper flowers to give to friends
- Funny Face Station – take photos of children providing “good cheer,” print them out later and give them to the families
Party Favors
- Supplies to make a crown along with the quotation “God has crowned you with honour and in your hearts has He set a radiant star; verily the light thereof shall brighten the whole world!” (Abdu’l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 68)
- A take-home Ayyam-i-Ha cookie showing what Baha’is should be through metaphors (brilliant stars, leaves of one tree, etc). (Click here for more details.)
- Buy sunflower planting seeds for 20 cents/packet to give to party guests along with the quotation, “Humanity may be likened unto the vari-colored flowers of one garden. There is unity in diversity.” (Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 25)
- International – invite guests to dress up in costumes from all around the world, play music from various countries, and have a parent teach a traditional dance from their culture
- Book Party – have guests bring a few pre-loved books to donate to a school in another country
- Animal Party – ask for donations and raise money for an animal rescue organization or your local animal shelter
- Sweet Treats – have guests bring a plate of homemade cookies to share (specify the number of children attending) and a basket, and have each child collect a treat from each plate to put in their basket and take home to their families
What party ideas do you have? Please share your photos and comments below.
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