On this page we will outline the basics of what the program is about and what it encompasses.
Following along with your copy of the introduction, learn about what is in each lesson and how to begin Family Virtue Time in your family by clicking on each page’s drop down box and watching the videos below.
[box type=”download”] Download the Introduction to Family Virtue Time as a Word doc or PDF[/box]
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Introduction and overview of the program. To download the Virtues in Us CD for preschoolers by Nabil H which contains songs for 18 of the 19 virtues click here (costs $9.99).
I would like to
also note that these materials are meant to empower children with
virtuous behavior but this quotation from the Universal House of Justice
should also be considered:
“In all such matters, those serving as teachers and animators alike
are called upon to exercise discretion. Education is a vast field, and
educational theories abound. Surely many have considerable merit, but
it should be remembered that none is free of assumptions about the
nature of the human being and society. An educational process should,
for example, create in a child awareness of his or her potentialities,
but the glorification of self has to be scrupulously avoided. So often
in the name of building confidence the ego is bolstered. Similarly,
play has its place in the education of the young. Children and junior
youth, however, have proven time and again their capacity to engage in
discussions on abstract subjects, undertaken at a level appropriate to
their age, and derive great joy from the serious pursuit of
understanding. ” (12 December 2011, page 5)
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Elements of Each Lesson
The following pages contain a description of the main elements included in each lesson.
Getting Started
The first page in the lesson is entitled “Getting Started” and is meant to prepare you to teach the virtue of the month.
Basic Lesson
The Basic Lesson includes a prayer, quotation, introduction to the virtue and several discussion questions, and two songs.
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Daily Activities
There are 19 activities listed per lesson split into three categories: Activities Every Month, Games and Role Plays, Creative Arts.
When offering these activities to our children, perhaps it would be wise to remember that the most important part of any “lesson” is that we are teaching our child with love, respect for their true capacity, and authenticity (that you are working on showing the virtues, as well!).
Prayer Box Projects
There are two craft activities each month to help children memorize the lesson’s prayer and quotation. Watch the video about these projects and about what a Prayer Box is here:
Visit our Prayer Box Examples page here.
The Devotional page contains six short selections about the virtue of the month which are appropriate to read with young children.
Visit our Planning for Your Family’s Devotional Program page here.
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Each lesson will include words and pictures to make a booklet about the virtue. You may wish to prepare the book ahead of time or make it with your child. Watch a video explaining how you may wish to make these booklets here:
Note: The Online Lesson links up to a Virtue Library that lists several book titles and reviews that help teach the virtue of the month. You are encouraged to contribute your own favorite titles and book reviews, as well.
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Family Virtue Book Template
The next page in the lesson simply states the virtue of the month and the central quotation, below which you can help your child create a story about the virtue. Your family can use these stories to compile a book of the virtues you have learned over the course of the year.
Family Virtue Letter Template
Each lesson includes a one-page template that says, “This week our family is learning about the virtue” and the central quotation for the month. Children can use this page to create a visual representation of what they have been learning about and this will be given to someone outside the immediate family to share the virtue you have been learning about.
Download our Family Virtue Letter Explanations (with three copies of a note to accompany your Family Virtue Letters) Word doc.
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Each month there is a calendar for you to use to keep track of your Family Virtue Time activities or use as a way to record ways your child has shown the virtue.
Additional Items
Occasionally one of the crafts in the Daily Activities may require another cut-out or coloring page, and this will be available on the last page(s) of the lesson.
Online Lesson
Each lesson will be available for download via the Online Lesson. The Online Lesson will also include several sound files and videos so parents can learn the songs for the quotation, the prayer, and the second song (not on the Virtues in Us CD), as well as pictures and a link to the Virtue Library.
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More Ways to Use Family Virtue Time Materials
Page 7 in the introduction explains a few more ideas for how to use these materials.
Visit the Virtue Tree post.
Visit the Virtue/Quotation Decor post.
Visit the Children’s Classes for Under Fives page.
Visit the Family and Friends Pick post.
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Application of Family Virtue Time Materials
Page 8 of the introduction lists a few examples of how families may wish to use the materials, based on different aged children.
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Preparing Yourself to Begin Family Virtue Time
Page 9 and 10 offer some checklists and questions to help you prepare to begin the program in your family.
Other documents you may wish to download:
[box type=”download”] Prayer Box Decor Word doc, PDF file
Family Virtue Book Title Page Word doc, PDF file
Family Virtue Letter Explanations Word doc, PDF file[/box]
Start Family Virtue Time in your family!
Now that you are familiar with the layout of the program, you are ready to begin! We suggest you fill out Page 9 and 10 of the introduction, and then print out the lesson for the virtue you wish to start learning and teaching.
Visit the Family Virtue Time main page to find a list of the Online Lessons currently available.
Resources and Acknowledgements
Special thanks to Sonja and Elham for previewing, editing, and offering ideas for each lesson.
Sources for songs from CDs are listed in the lessons. The composers to the tunes for the prayers are listed in the online lessons, if known.
Tunes to the quotations were composed and recorded by Zafar and Chelsea.
The ideas for each lesson’s “introduction” on the virtue are based on Virtue Project’s Family Virtue Cards – Baha’i Edition.
Thanks to Julie for her curriculum which some of the booklets are based on, and many of the songs are chosen from.
Thanks to Annie for the Prayer Box idea.
Thanks to Kami for the Virtue Tree idea.
All images used are in Microsoft Word’s free clip art.