It’s the first day of the Fast and there is only one more month to go till Naw Ruz! This time of year is the season for reflection as well as celebration, so today we want to share something as a little Fasting/Naw Ruz gift to all of you.
To kick off the first of many “Mama Treats” – downloadable materials especially for mothers which will be collected under Our Resources – we have created a booklet called “Dream and Scheme” which you can fill out over the next few weeks.
[box type=”download”]Click here to download the PDF of the “Dream & Scheme” booklet.[/box]
This resource was created as a tool for moms to reflect during the Fast and also prepare goals for the New Year. (Actually, this booklet could be used for dads or anyone else, if they don’t mind adjusting some of the wording to fit whatever role they have.) As stated on the first page:
This booklet has been made to help you reflect on the past year, envision your dreams for the coming year, and discover where you are going with your life. You will be given the opportunity to think deeply about our relationship with your children, brainstorm your longterm goals, and predict your future wisdom. We hope you will be inspired to learn from your experiences, pray about where God is leading you, and take positive action in all arenas of life.
It is eight pages altogether, and has been split up into 13 small sections so you can complete one half-page over two weeks. Specific directions are on the front cover.
So download it, print it off, and enjoy filling it out over the next few weeks! We are looking forward to going over ours again and mapping out our goals for the next year as well.
For those of you who would like a simpler worksheet for reflection, you can download our one-page Reflections for Naw Ruz sheet.
Also be on the lookout for a special post next week where you will be able to make requests for posts on Enable Me To Grow. If you have any spiritual parenting goals we can help you with in any way, we want to know!
We’ve really enjoyed a lovely reception to our blog launched just over two weeks ago. Thanks to each and every one of you for your comments, messages of of encouragement, or even just a simple “Like.” We are very grateful for the feedback and can’t wait to start making available the many resources we have lined up for you.
Sending best wishes to each of you as we all embark on the month of Fasting – whether physically fasting or not. We hope this booklet helps you “dream and scheme” during this special time of spiritual rejuvenation.