Dear EMTG readers,
Our website has been running for just over two months now, it’s hard to believe!
We are overjoyed to have received messages from families all over the world who are using EMTG to bring more spirituality into their homes. We’ve heard about quite a few three year olds memorizing prayers using Radiant Hearts music, numerous mothers feeling more connected to the worldwide Baha’i community, and many families making tents to help share the spirit of Ridvan with their little ones. We appreciate every comment and story which has been shared and feel blessed to have the opportunity to offer any bit of help to support friends in their paths of service, whatever these paths may be. Thank you.
Throughout the Ridvan period, we have been reflecting on this particular quotation:
[quote type=”center”]Verily, all created things were immersed in the sea of purification when, on that first day of Ridvan, We shed upon the whole of creation the splendours of Our most excellent Names and Our most exalted Attributes. This, verily, is a token of My loving providence, which hath encompassed all the worlds.[/quote]
We have consulted at length about our priorities and hopes for EMTG, and in the spirit of being made anew this Ridvan we have decided to make a few improvements.
- We have a new layout to help newcomers find their way around our website easier and more efficiently. You may notice that if you land on our homepage ( you do not see the blog immediately. The blog is now available via a tab at the top of the page (you may wish to bookmark the blog page if you are a regular follower). We feel this format best serves our purpose which is not only to offer a blog, but compile a range of resources which can be searched through and used at any time of the year.
- Did you see the new banners? (Check out our homepage if not.) These have been put together with photographs of our own children and those of a very talented Baha’i mother who has given us permission to use her work for our website (you can see more of her amazing photography here). We hope you enjoy these images which can serve as a reminder to us all of the neverending process of growth which we each undergo every day.
- We now have a “Welcome Pack” for all our subscribers. Head on over to this page to learn what it’s all about and find out how you can get one. (All those who subscribed before 2 May 2012 have already received the pack in their inbox so there is no need to subscribe again.)
We also want to clarify one point:
If you have been using the Radiant Hearts materials, you may have noticed that the lessons are only available for one month. As this is the first year of having the materials available to the public, it is in essence a “test” year for the Radiant Hearts program. Next year we will offer the full set of materials in a package which may have a slightly different (and improved) format. Therefore if you want to use a lesson later on this year (ie before March 2013), please be sure to download the documents and songs before the end of the month when the lesson will be taken off the Radiant Hearts main page.
Again we want to give a BIG THANKS for all your support. We hope you had an uplifting Ridvan Festival and may have found some inspiration from your own prayerful meditations of ways to renew, rethink, or refocus your personal endeavors and acts of service as well.
Chelsea and Penina