If you have a blog or website of your own, you can add our button to your site by using the html code provided.
We currently have two buttons available, and they are copied at the end of this page for easy access.
It’s a very simple process to “grab a button.” Simply copy the text in the box, find the place to add the code into your website (add a gadget called “HTML/Javascript” if you are using Blogger or add a widget called “Text” if you are using WordPress), and copy the code. Move the gadget/widget where you would like it to appear on your site, save your template, and then preview to check if the button is there.
If the button appears on your site, this means that you and other visitors can click on it to open up our page in a new window.
If the button does not appear, try to recopy to make sure you selected the entire code. If it still does not work, try manually replacing the quotation marks in the code. Quotation marks copy pasted in certain fonts affects the usability of code in some templates. Therefore just go through the code and replace each quotation mark (“) with a new quotation mark – you may see it looks slightly different like it was previously formatted. Then re-save your template and preview it to make sure the button now shows up properly. Hopefully now the button will appear on your website.
We appreciate you sharing our buttons on your sites, so thank you! And please feel free to contact us with any questions.
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