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O my Lord! Make Thy beauty to be my food, and Thy presence my drink, and Thy pleasure my hope, and praise of Thee my action, and remembrance of Thee my companion, and the power of Thy sovereignty my succorer, and Thy habitation my home, and my dwelling-place the seat Thou hast sanctified from the limitations imposed upon them who are shut out as by a veil from Thee. Thou art, verily, the Almighty, the All-Glorious, the Most Powerful.
(Bahá’u’lláh, Baha’i Prayers, p. 143)
Let the flame of the love of God burn brightly within your radiant hearts.
(Baha’u’llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, p. 325)Guitar chords: C F G C C F G
Guitar chords: C F G C C F G
Get the “At First Light” album for the MP3s.
(Nabil H., Virtues In Us #34)
Circle of Love
Daily Activities
Description of Pictures:
- Daily Activity #7
- Daily Activity #11
- Daily Activity #15
- Daily Activity #16
- Daily Activity #18
Daily Activity #19:
Comments about the lesson
It was really interesting thinking about how we each like to be loved this month. Playing and wrestling are on the top of my son’s lists – though not necessarily mine! It was helpful to think about showing him love in the way he understands the best, so we enjoyed Daily Activity #8. It’s so fun to be able to say things to each other without voices, it’s just another way to express a feeling or a meaning which is sometimes even easier.While doing Daily Activity #11 it was a good opportunity to also talk about strangers and “tricky people.” While we want our children to be loving, we also want them to know what are appropriate ways to show and receive love.
While doing Daily Activity #11 it was a good opportunity to also talk about strangers and “tricky people.” While we want our children to be loving, we also want them to know what are appropriate ways to show and receive love.This month it was nice to remember that showing love to my children can really be so simple. Just spending time together, listening and taking time to “do nothing” allows our relationship to become filled with those simple loving moments which are lost when I become frustrated or too busy to take time for them. Everything is so much easier when it’s filled with love.
This month it was nice to remember that showing love to my children can really be so simple. Just spending time together, listening and taking time to “do nothing” allows our relationship to become filled with those simple loving moments which are lost when I become frustrated or too busy to take time for them. Everything is so much easier when it’s filled with love.For Daily Activity #17, it was really nice for both of us to talk about how we love each other no matter what, even if we are hurt by what someone else does. It reminds me that when my son is really trying my patience, he still loves me and I still love him, which is a helpful thing to think about in those little moments of feeling at your wit’s end.
For Daily Activity #17, it was really nice for both of us to talk about how we love each other no matter what, even if we are hurt by what someone else does. It reminds me that when my son is really trying my patience, he still loves me and I still love him, which is a helpful thing to think about in those little moments of feeling at your wit’s end.
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