This is the fifth page in the “Online Introduction to Radiant Hearts” series, focusing on the Online Lesson.
There are 19 Online Lessons which are listed on the Radiant Hearts main page. Here is a list of what each Online Lesson is comprised of.
Documents to Download
Each Online Lesson has two documents for you to download (and print out): the Basic Lesson and the Printables. Each of these documents will be described in detail after we explore the Online Lesson.
Prayer and Quotation
The prayer and quotation for the lesson have been put to music which you can listen to on the Online Lesson.
There are two songs per lesson. The lyrics for both are available on the Online Lesson. The second song from the lesson (the one not on the Virtues in Us CD) is available to listen to online so you can learn the tune. Please purchase the Virtues in Us CD to learn the other song.
Examples of the Daily Activities
Each Online Lesson contains at least five photos from the Daily Activities and several comments about one family’s experience using the materials.
Public Gallery
Parents are encouraged to share their own photos, ideas for activities, song recommendations, and make general comments about their experience with the lesson on each Online Lesson. All families to benefit from sharing so please contribute.
Virtue Library
There is a button on each Online Lesson to the Virtue Library, which is a list of the lessons with several books recommended for further learning about each spiritual quality. These books are meant to expand your family’s learning about the spiritual quality.
You are encouraged to add your own book recommendations in the comments at the end of the Virtue Library.
Lesson Posters
There is a button on each Online Lesson which leads to a page where you can download an overview of each Basic Lesson (plus the Booklet from the Printables) in full page format. These can be used for groups to go through the materials and have the words to the prayer, quotation, and song in a bigger format. They can be printed or used on a computer. There is a list of ways the Posters can be used on the page.
>>>>>> Go to the next page in the “Online Introduction to Radiant Hearts” series: What is a “Basic Lesson”?