Would you like to memorize the Baha’i months, and help your kids do so, too? This post has a few resources that may help.
Here is a poster you can use to learn the names of the months, their meanings, and what dates they cover. Cut it out and put it up somewhere central for referring to throughout the year.
[box type=”download”] Download the Baha’i Months[/box]
Below you can watch a video listing the Baha’i months in Arabic and English. A special thanks goes out to all the families who submitted photos of their beautiful children enjoying the various seasons for this project!
Buy the original version of the song used in the video above at Divine Notes here (the song is named “Song of the Months” on the CD We are Baha’is by Jack Lenz).
I plan to sing the song with my children (and maybe watch the video) each Feast day. This is also when we begin our new Radiant Hearts lesson, so it can easily become part of our monthly routine, right after telling the family what our new Spiritual Quality of the month will be.
Hopefully by the end of the year we will know all the months and their meanings… something I have wanted to learn for a long time!
What are some other ways to learn the Baha’i months?