When I became a mom, I felt totally unprepared for what was facing me. And I don’t just mean the choices about baby products and the sleepless nights, although all that by itself was overwhelming already.
I recognized the incredible responsibility of mothers as the first educator of their children, and was daunted by the task ahead. I was having trouble figuring out how to keep the house clean, laundry washed, and food on the table! How could I nurture my child’s spirit with prayers and daily devotion? How could I teach him about virtues and what they mean in every day life? And in order to make it practical, how could I make it all part of our daily routine?
The Radiant Hearts program was designed out of my experience trialing many ideas and figuring out how to put them together in a simple, complete program.
My first son was born in September 2008 and my second in March 2011. I started putting the program together in November 2011, and Penina and I launched this website in order to share it, and more, in February 2012.
Read more about how I put the program together, and why, on our History of Radiant Hearts page.
Feel free to ask any questions below, as well!