When I became a mom, I felt totally unprepared for what was facing me. And I don’t just mean the choices about baby products and the sleepless nights, although all that by itself was overwhelming already. I recognized the incredible responsibility of mothers as the first educator of their children, and was daunted by the […]
Virtue Library: Books to Help Teach About Spiritual Qualities
Nowadays there are so many resources out there for teaching children about virtues. Our Radiant Hearts program is one of these: the 19 Online Lessons focus on a spiritual quality (such as friendliness, courtesy, or patience) and contain 19 simple activities appropriate for children under 5 complete with printables, songs to listen to online, and […]
Five Tips for Using the Radiant Hearts Program in Your Home
Radiant Hearts was developed to aid families with young children to memorize Baha’i prayers and quotations of Baha’u’llah, and learn about spiritual qualities. The set-up is that each Baha’i month a family studies a new lesson which focuses on a spiritual quality. There is one prayer and one quotation per lesson, each put to music […]
Radiant Hearts Program Now Complete!
We are happy to announce that the Radiant Hearts program is now complete! The 20 lessons – 19 for each Baha’i month plus one extra for Ayyam-i-Ha – are now available from the Radiant Hearts main page. We have made the Radiant Hearts materials free because we want everyone to have access to them. However […]
Building Community through a Baha’i Preschool Class (Guest Post: Katie Esquivel)
Katie, mother of two, shares her family’s experience teaching a Bahá’í Preschool Class in her neighborhood. The education of children has always been a passion for me, but having children of my own really put early childhood education, specifically spiritual education, in the forefront of my mind like never before. The days (and years) pass […]
What Our Kids Are Saying About Radiant Hearts
We all know kids say the funniest things. We’d love to hear what your kids are saying about what they have learned through the Radiant Hearts program. Here are a few things our three-year-olds have said over the past six months: “Mum, fill yourself up with sugar, love and harmony!” (similar to the quotation from […]
Please Share Your Feedback! (And See Radiant Hearts in Action)
Radiant Hearts is a free online multimedia program which offers music to learn prayers and quotations from the Baha’i Writings, and a downloadable lesson of virtue-related activities for every day of the year. It is available to everyone and it’s all very simple to use. Occasionally we receive messages about how families are using the […]
Our Experience with Radiant Hearts (Guest Post: Leanna GM)
Leanna, mother of a two and a half year old, shares her family’s experience using the Radiant Hearts program. When we started using the Radiant Hearts program in my family I wasn’t sure how much of the ideas were sinking into my son’s consciousness. I tried to keep my expectations low – after all, he […]
Introducing “Radiant Hearts” – Fostering Development of Spiritual Qualities
We are excited to launch “Radiant Hearts” a full-year program for families to learn Baha’i prayers, Writings, and spiritual qualities together. A lesson based on a spiritual quality will be ready for you to download before each Baha’i Feast starting Naw Ruz 2012, complete with activities including music, print-outs, and photo examples for every day […]
“Virtues In Us” CD – Interview with Musician Nabil Huening
“Virtues In Us” is the CD we recommend for our Radiant Hearts program. There are 19 simple and easy-to-learn songs each based on a virtue (with versions in both English and Mandarin Chinese). The tunes are upbeat and very easy to sing after you listen a few times to learn them, even without the CD […]