We are happy to announce that the Radiant Hearts program is now complete! The 20 lessons – 19 for each Baha’i month plus one extra for Ayyam-i-Ha – are now available from the Radiant Hearts main page.
We have made the Radiant Hearts materials free because we want everyone to have access to them. However you can probably imagine how much has gone into making this comprehensive multimedia program available. If you feel moved, you can donate to our efforts and your donation will help cover the expenses of running and maintaining our website, as well as help us to create more resources in the coming year.
To thank you for your generosity each person who donates will gain access
to our membership materials, which include over 25 downloadable
documents to support spiritual education. Go here for more information.
Plans for 2013
If you are wondering what we will do this year with Radiant Hearts, here is a bit about our plans.
Record “At First Light” Volume 2
Within the next six months we hope to begin recording “At First Light Volume 2” which will be a CD with the 20 prayers from the Radiant Hearts program. Please note we recently exchanged quite a few tunes to prayers in the Radiant Hearts lessons uploaded in 2012 because they were unoriginal versions. If you are looking for the older versions, you can find them here.
Write the Radiant Hearts Audio Stories
Over the next year we will be working to write and record the Radiant Hearts Audio Stories. These will be stories about a family learning about the virtue for each lesson. Please note that this is a long term project so it may take a whole year (or more) to complete this, but we’re aiming to have it finished by Naw Ruz 2014.
Radiant Hearts Community Lessons
We are working on a format for opening up our website for you to contribute ideas to “Radiant Hearts Community Lessons.” We have been asked many times if we are planning to create a “second year” for the program, and we hope the Community Lessons will be a place we can all contribute to this aim. We will share more on this after a few months.
Compile Helpful Resources
We will occasionally post on the blog tips and/or stories about people using the Radiant Hearts materials, to aid other families with ideas about spiritual education at home, Mothers Devotionals, Baha’i Playgroups, and Baha’i Preschool Classes.
Just for fun
Here is a list of what is included in the Radiant Hearts program.
- 20 lessons each, 19 focused on developing one spiritual quality plus one for Ayyam-i-Ha
- 366 Daily Activities (19 for each of the 19 lessons on a virtue plus 5 activities for the lesson on Ayyam-i-Ha)
- 100 picture examples of the Daily Activities – at least 5 per lesson – to give an idea of some of the activities included
- 80 comments, giving parents some ideas of how the lessons have been used in one home
- 40 simple songs about the virtues (and Ayyam-i-Ha)
- 40 simple crafts to go along with the prayers and quotations
- 40+ books recommended to help your child understand the virtue more, found in the Virtue Library
- 20 inspirational quotations about parenting, one at the beginning of each Basic Lesson
- 20 sets of questions to help parents reflect on how they model the virtue to their children
- 20 sets of questions to help guide parents in thinking of concrete ways to teach their children about the virtue
- 20 quotations, each of which have been set to original music
- 20 prayers, each of which have been set to original music
- 40 instrumentals to the 20 quotations and 20 prayers
- 20 introductions to the lesson topic (with three discussion questions each)
- 20 Devotionals (6 short quotations each)
- 20 Booklets – each containing 6 to 8 sentences describing the virtue with accompanying pictures
- 20 sets of Printables, 5 to 8 pages each, which you can print out to accompany the activities
- 20 Online Lessons, where you can find the files to download, the music to listen to, and the pictures to look at
- 20 Public Galleries for you to upload your own pictures and offer comments about how you are using the Radiant Hearts activities or additional ideas you would like to share
- 20 Lesson Posters, each a 17-page PDF overviewing the lesson which can be used in homes or for public events
- 19 Monthly Calendars to track your Radiant Hearts progress and keep track of how you are practicing the spiritual quality
- 10+ posts and pages about the History of Radiant Hearts and what it looks like in action, Frequently Asked Questions, how Radiant Hearts can be used for Devotional Programs/Toddler Playgroups/Preschool Classes, and testimonials from families using the program
- 7 videos showing action songs or poems outlined in a Basic Lesson
- 6+ Helpful Documents – other printable sheets to get you started with the program, found on the Radiant Hearts main page
- 1 accompanying CD (“At First Light Volume 1”) containing the 20 quotations from the Radiant Hearts program, the second CD will be released later this year.
- 1 Introduction, the document you can download to understand how the program works and how to use the materials
- 1 Video introducing the program, found on the Radiant Hearts main page
If you haven’t had a look at the materials, be sure to check them out!
Have you used Radiant Hearts? Please “like” and share this page, to let your friends know about the program!
We truly appreciate all your comments, emails, and messages. If you have more questions visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. And please share your experiences on our Testimonials page. We would love to hear from you and find out how you are using the materials in your homes and communities!