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O Lord! I am a child; enable me to grow beneath the shadow of Thy loving-kindness. I am a tender plant; cause me to be nurtured through the outpourings of the clouds of Thy bounty. I am a sapling of the garden of love; make me into a fruitful tree. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful, and Thou art the All-Loving, the All-Knowing, the All-Seeing.
(Abdu’l-Baha, Baha’i Prayers, p. 31)
Deal ye one with another with the utmost love and harmony, with friendliness and fellowship.
(Baha’u’llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 14)
Guitar chords: CFCG
Get the “At First Light” album for the MP3s.
Friendliness (Nabil H., Virtues In Us #35)
When I need a new friend I say hello. When I need a new friend I say hello. When I need a new friend I can give her hand a shake. When I need a new friend I say hello.[/box]
Love Your Friends (to the tune of “Row, row, row your boat”)
Love, love, love your friends. Love them everyday. Show them that you care for them by sharing when you play.
Daily Activities
Description of Pictures
- Spiritual Treasure Box Projects
- Booklet
- Monthly Letter
- Daily Activity #7
- Daily Activity #16
- Daily Activity #17
Deal ye one (hold one index finger up)
with another (hold other hand’s index finger up)
with the utmost love (have one finger talk to the other)
and harmony (have other finger talk)
with friendliness (have fingers hug each other)
Comments about the lesson
For our first day’s activity we did the Spiritual Treasure box envelope prayer craft. I cut out the prayer and pictures and had Nika do the gluing onto construction paper. She loves gluing, so it was perfect, and since then she has loved picking out the pictures as either I or her dad reads the prayer.The next day I prepared the quotation craft, as I wasn’t sure how she would do with the smaller pieces and I was being picky. I made it a pop out card with the friends holding the heart on the outside and the quotation popping out when you open it. Nika was pretty delighted to find the surprise inside which kept her interested enough to repeat the quote with me.
The next day I prepared the quotation craft, as I wasn’t sure how she would do with the smaller pieces and I was being picky. I made it a pop out card with the friends holding the heart on the outside and the quotation popping out when you open it. Nika was pretty delighted to find the surprise inside which kept her interested enough to repeat the quote with me.
We made the quotation card today. I had Amin and Mona draw a self-portrait, cut them out and glued the heart between them. Then I had Amin copy the quotation onto the back – he needs some writing practice. Then we sang the quote until they could follow the music with me. Finally we talked a little bit about what the quote means. I said we would try to be in harmony and friendly to each other this month, and that I would hold up the card to remind them to show friendliness. That they should be like the two self-portraits on the front of the card.
We did the mirror exercise for activity #8 and heartily laughed. Noteworthy was when the older two realized that their youngest sibling also had a way of being friendly even without being able to express it in words.
For activity #13, I noticed my son was very confident showing friendliness whereas I was more hesitant and shy. He just went up to people and started telling them all about how we were practicing friendliness!
On activity #14 we just glued construction paper cut-outs of flower shapes onto a bigger page, then glued little photos of friends onto the flowers. Nika loved seeing the little photos.
On activity #14 we just glued construction paper cut-outs of flower shapes onto a bigger page, then glued little photos of friends onto the flowers. Nika loved seeing the little photos.
Carmel and Lincoln love the finger play for activity #19! We do it many times a day and even Carmel puts her fingers up and hums along. It’s so cute! We added the sign for love (arms crossed over hearts) and made up a sign for harmony (by clasping our hands together).