To read the story about Julie’s classes click here.
To read more about Baha’i Children’s Classes for children under five years old, click here.
Julie’s materials can be downloaded in 8 separate folders:
Here are the sheets that were included in a packet given at the recent training that we did for toddler children’s class teachers. Again, none of this is official- it is just based on individual initiative- but hopefully you will find it helpful until we do have something more official for this young age group.
Download the folder: Resources From Toddler Teaching Training
As our efforts to offer children’s classes and nurture the tender hearts and minds of children are very much linked to our efforts to embrace families in our teaching efforts, the starting of teaching teams was also briefly discussed at the training- which resulted in many new children’s classes being formed- as well as new teaching teams.
Download the folder: Material For Starter Teaching Teams
Here are the lesson plans for children 0-3. Some of them are from when we had only infants in the class, so the format begins with a parent discussion and looks a bit different from the ones that are more geared to two year olds. Please feel free to adjust, change, etc. as need be. We focus on one virtue a month, and basically repeat the songs- in different order- and maybe add a different book or two for the month, as the children love repetition. I will add a new song in once in a while, but they definitely benefit from repeat exposure to the material.
Download the folder: Lesson Plans For Children 0-3
As in the other lessons, a few songs from the Virtues in US- Children’s Virtues Songs have different titles than those named. For example, instead of “Let me give my friend a hug”, the song is titled “Compassion” OR instead of “When I meet a new friend”, the song is titled “Friendliness”.
Download the folder: Lesson Plans For Children 3-5
Whenever we introduce a new quote or prayer (usually with the change in virtue- either every 2 or 3 weeks for the 3-5 year old class or every month for the 0-3 year old class) we give each child a cut out paper of the quote and/or prayer to add to a little photo album they received on their first day of class, so that they begin to collect these and form their own prayerbook. It is great and the kids love it. Many of the seeker children memorize them and it is a great way for the parents- seeker and Baha’i alike- to reinforce the learning and to benefit from exposure to the Words of Baha’u’llah, The Bab, and Abdu’l-Baha.
Download the folder: 4×6 Prayers
Download two folders: 4×6 Quotations1 and 4×6 Quotations 2
If you have any questions or comments, please email Julie Iraninejad at