All families in Brisbane with children under five who wish to find out more about the Radiant Hearts program are invited to attend a workshop details as follows. Download the workshop flyer here.
Workshop Details
When? Saturday 1 September, 2012 from 10am to 1pm
Where? Brisbane Baha’i Centre of Learning (BBCL)
Childcare will be provided so it is necessary for everyone to RSVP (with the ages of all children who will be attending) by August 20. Contact Chelsea at for more information or to RSVP.
Workshop Objectives
- To introduce the Radiant Hearts program
- To share stories of what the materials look like in action (at home and for children’s classes)
- To guide families in creating an action plan for their own family.
Workshop Agenda
9:45 Arrival
- Please make a nametag for your child and let the caregivers know any allergies, toileting, or other issues
10:00 Devotions
10:15 Introductions
- Please share your name, children’s names and ages, what experience you have had using Radiant Hearts thus far, and what you want to get out of this workshop
10:30 Overview of Radiant Hearts
- Purpose
- RH main page (downloadable file, links to lessons, extra resources)
10:45 Sample Lesson
- Online Lesson (downloadable files, music, examples, comment space)
- Basic Lesson
- Printables
11:00 Subtopic: Family Prayers
11:15 Subtopic: Practicing Spiritual Qualities in the Home (will share the Radiant Hearts Parent Pack)
11:30 Extra Materials (Will share the Radiant Hearts Virtue Library, Power Points, Calendars, etc)
11:45 Questions
12:00 Feedback and Lunch
About Radiant Hearts
Radiant Hearts is a program aimed at helping families learn Baha’i prayers, memorize short quotations from the Writings of Baha’u’llah, and study spiritual qualities together. The program consists of 19 lessons, one for each of the Baha’i months. Each lesson focuses on a spiritual quality, and consists of a prayer and a quotation set to music, two songs, and 19 simple activities (including printables) for each day of the month.
The activities in Radiant Hearts consist of role plays, games, and creative arts and have been developed for children age four and under. The materials can easily be modified as parents desire, and also used to teach Baha’i children’s classes for children under five years old. Lessons are available online including the documents and music to download. Each lesson also contains a short Devotional Program on the spiritual quality, pictures and text to make a booklet, quotations and questions to help guide parents, and more. To read more visit the Radiant Hearts main page.
Radiant Hearts is completely free but donations are accepted via PayPal if friends wish to support the development of the materials. The program is part of Enable Me To Grow, which is a website aimed at supporting Baha’i mothers with young children.
Interested in seeing some past lessons?
Click on the picture to be directed to the Online Lesson.